The people of this community are very fortunate to have Bettyann Sheats running for Maine Senate. I know Bettyann in community and church contexts, and I admire her as a level-headed, thoughtful ...
We received our property tax bill the other day. It made me think about Maine’s tax rates in general, which are in the top four highest in the country, and number one highest state for property tax ...
I know from experience, having served in the state Senate for 10 years, that serving as a state representative requires an enormous commitment of time and energy, doing the legislative work required ...
I look at the source of campaign funds before I vote. Dan Campbell is running for state representative as a Clean Elections candidate. That means he secured individual $5 contributions from 180 ...
I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I offended someone by posting a sign with the word “Harris” on it. Someone found it terribly offensive and stole it the same night I put it up. Some people must be offended ...
I completely agree that while universal school choice may sound like a good idea, it is not. Taxpayers should not subsidize parents who choose to send their children to private schools. First of all, ...
As a teacher and community advocate, Julie McCabe consistently demonstrates a dedication to improving the lives of those around her. I’ve had the privilege of working alongside her, witnessing her ...
I will be voting to reelect U.S. Rep. Jared Golden. I don’t always agree with him, but the issues on which we do agree — protection of Social Security and Medicare, and a woman’s right to control her ...
I am super excited about Eric Giroux, candidate for state representative. Eric is a guy who believes that, as he takes care of his young family, he can also help the families of western Maine. He is a ...
Where has the Democrat Party gone? Sure, there’s still a party with that name, but it’s a shell of its former “classic liberal” roots. I’m 62 years old and remember when the Democrat Party stood for ...
Freeport answered midway through the second quarter, when senior quarterback Teddy Peters hit senior receiver David Ulrickson ...
After Dirigo quarterback Hudson Lufkin threw his third interception of the game, Mountain Valley’s following drive stalled at ...